How to Get Rid of Mildew in Toilet Bowls

Mildew can be unsightly as well as damaging to your health. It can cause respiratory problems and other health-related problems. It will start off white before turning a yellow or brownish color in your toilet bowl, says local plumbers in Oxford, Priceless Plumbers. This can be gross to guests and even to you. Luckily, cleaning your toilet bowl of mildew is an easy process.
So, how do you get rid of mildew in your toilet bowl? Start with a quick clean of the toilet bowl with traditional cleaners. After that, make a mildew cleaner with bleach and water, vinegar and water, or water with 10-15 drops of tea tree oil. Then, flush your toilet and spray the toilet bowl before scrubbing it away before the water comes back. Repeat.
This article will cover more about how you can properly clean your toilet bowl of mildew. As well as ways to keep it from coming back. It is important to cover these things to prevent further toilet staining and possible damage to your health. Not to mention, to help with making your toilet look presentable to you and your guests.
It’s important that you do a preliminary cleaning to remove any other stains that may be the cause other than mildew. Mold and hard water can also cause staining in your toilet bowl, so ruling those out can help you figure out whether it is a mildew stain or not. It can also get rid of dirt stains so you can pinpoint where the mildew is.
Make sure to use products that you know won’t damage your toilet. If you are unsure, a simple Google search of your toilet brand can tell you what you should use. Products that aren’t meant for your toilet can cause discoloration or mess with the mechanics and prevent it from flushing correctly.
If the water is high in the toilet bowl and won’t flush, make sure you plunge it. This can help pull out anything that may be clogging your toilet and help it flush easier. This will also make cleaning your toilet bowl easier once the clog and water are drained. Then you can scrub with a toilet brush and cleaner to get rid of any surface or water stains.
Here are some products you can buy for this initial cleaning process:
Make sure the cleaner works well with your toilet before purchasing it!
After the initial cleaning, you can assess if the remaining stains are mildew. Mildew often manifests in the toilet bowl as well as in the toilet tank. If it is not fuzzy, then it is most likely not mold. Rings around your bowl may mean it is a hard water stain. That only leaves mildew, which we will discuss how to get rid of here.
Here are the steps to get rid of mildew:
The easiest way to keep mildew from coming back into your toilet bowl is to clean it regularly. Wipe the toilet down on a biweekly basis and be sure to let it dry or dry it with paper towels or a rag. This will not only keep it hygienic but will prevent the mildew from returning. Make sure you don’t overdo it since that can discolor or damage your toilet.
Check for any cracks or scratches since mildew and other bacteria can grow within them. These can be caused by age or using steel/wool pads to clean your toilet bowl. These will also make it harder to keep mildew away since it will just keep regrowing there. It may be worth it to invest in a new toilet.
You can also install a toilet bowl cleaner that will administer a spray-on or leave-in weekly or monthly depending on their settings. This can take the hassle out of keeping the toilet bowl clean yourself. This will also keep mildew away since the bowl will remain clean and prevent any build-up from forming over it. You can get one online if you order it here.
We’ve discussed how to get rid of mildew stains and how to prevent them. Make sure you check your manufacturer’s notes on your specific toilet so you don’t use products that could damage it. You should also traditionally clean your toilet bowl before performing a deeper clean to get rid of the mildew. Make sure there aren’t scratches or replace it.
Be sure to clean your toilet regularly, so that the mildew does not come back. Hopefully, this article was helpful and you solved your mildew problem.