Can You Pressure Wash Teak Furniture?

First things first: teak is expensive—it consistently ranks high on the list of expensive wood for furniture across the globe. Regarded as the furniture of royalty since the early 7th century, delicate care goes into cleaning and maintaining teak wood. If you had been wondering if you could pressure wash teak furniture, the answer is a hesitant “yes”, followed by a, “Why would you?”, explains ProClean Pressure Washing West Bloomfield, a provider of pressure washing in West Bloomfield.
Teak is celebrated for its elegance, durability and many other properties. According to AquaTeak, a company that manufactures and sells teak furniture, Tectona grandis has the “highest decay resistance among all natural wood products” due its naturally high oil content. This natural oil, along with its rubber content, weatherproofs the wood, allowing it to last beautifully across generations.
Here’s the thing — a pressure washer is a gift from the cleaning gods. The combination of high pressure and soapy water drastically cuts cleaning time by about 75%. With this convenience, it is highly tempting to use the pressure washer to clean just about anything.
Here is an anecdote shared by a reader to Inman, a real estate informational website: In 2006, a couple went away for a vacation when their well-meaning neighbor, equipped with a rented power washer, decided to do them a “favor” of pressure washing their gorgeous patina-stage teak patio furniture. The gesture would have been appreciated had the pressure washer not washed away the teak furniture’s natural luster and roughened up its wood grain. This story tells us that a neighbor with sincere intentions and a pressure washer could spell havoc on your expensive outdoor teak furniture.
Pressure washing teak furniture must be reserved for outrageous dirt that cannot be removed through conventional cleaning methods. The harsh pressure can drive away the wood’s natural oil, which is vital to keeping teak lovely and durable through years and years. Pressure washing, when done recklessly, can leave your teak furniture bumpy and pitted.
When thinking of pressure washing teak furniture, extreme care is of utmost importance. If you couldn’t resist the call of the mighty pressure wash, here are crucial instructions lifted from the website of Atlanta Teak Furniture:
The secret to teak furniture that lasts for decades is proper and diligent care. The great thing about teak is that it takes minimal effort to keep it in good shape. Its color can fade to gray over time without affecting its durability.
Here are some tips on caring for your teak furniture courtesy of Teak Patio Furniture World, an online resource center for everything teak:
When removing stubborn stains from the surface of your teak furniture, use a coarse sandpaper until the stain goes away and finish with a finer sandpaper.